Monday, June 05, 2006

Wheelie Drops

Went out sunday morning to practice technique. Got wheelie drops going well down the steps outside the Youth Hostel on the Links - it is just two steps. Wheelie drops are for riding off a ledge at slow speed, and landing safely rather than doing a face-plant - basically, lifting the front wheel and landing on the backwheel or both level. Then we found a nice tree stump that we could ride up and drop off, or ride down one of the roots. Neil nailed it every time, but it took me ages to get it, just could not get the front end up. Realised I was not moving my body back and up enough, just trying to rely on the pedal kick. Bad news, my back is still aching, and the 3 hour tango class in the afternoon needed gritted teeth. Solution: 1) 2 hours trying to do wheelies and manuals is too much, 2) if something is not working, go and do something else for a while.
video and discussion of 'Secret Reality' tutorial on Wheelie Drops
Utah Mountain Bike page on going off ledges
Page 7 of Fall 2005 edition of 'Bicycle paper'.
MTB Kanata Has bunny hop technique videos

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