From El Escorial we went to Sanxenxo, a town in the south of Galicia on the coast. Most people stay on the beach or go on the water, but there are extensive forests and rural areas with vinyeards and small farms. Completely different biking country. Hills (Monte do Castrove) rise behind the town up to about 600m near Pontevedra, about 15k East. The hills are covered in eucalyptus forests with some pine. Loads of forest trails I have run over before, linking tops and small villages. Quite a few deep valleys and steep paths and fire breaks.
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First day I did a 5 hour trip to the highest of the hills, Alto de Castrove, stopping frequently with the map and compass to find my way though the maze of paths. At the top chatted to the fire vigilante. He said that the hills were very dry and fires frequent.
Great views over the whole area - the Ría Arrosa to the north, and the Ría Pontevedra to the south. Lots of wild horses around. Tried to find a technical descent to the south, ended up an a very steep path that was ridable, except the brambles aross the path ripping in the legs and mechs.
After finding a dead horse in a small reservoir and getting lost trying to find a path around a tiny village, managed to find a way back home. 5 hours ride, 1000m climb, 40k.
Couple of days later did another ride, furthur to the north, getting lost in a small village next to the Monestario Almeneiro, then by road over to Cambados, and back, with a final climb through tiny farms of Meaño. 40 degrees in the sun, 55k in about 4 hours.
Then the forest fires started: people were setting fires all over Galicia, the sky was covered in smoke for nearly a week. Forest close by were burning out of contol. The bike was also playing up, gears slipping all the time. First bike shop did not have a clue, so I worked about I had a bend gear hanger, and another shop tried to fix it. Much better, but the whole thing snapped 1/2 hr into a fast climb. Tied it all up with strips of bark and freewheeled down.
Off to Pontevedra to "Motobike" a very well stocked shop, very helpful, to buy new hanger and a spare.
Two more rides out, pushing much harder for 3 hours, trying to keep pace and heartrate up. Took similar routes to before, but this time the forests were almost completely burned. Had to turn back at one point, and another day the fire came down to the path in the time between riding out and riding back.
Set of photos of the burnt and buring woods I rode though.
Final day down the hill the front fork suddenly rose up 5cm as I reached the bottom of the best steep technical section - I guess a value broke, but it made technical climbing very strange with the front end much higher in the air and clunking. Then the rear dereilleur gave out too - spring came out. Bike in a very sorry state by the end of the holiday, and now in the repair shop for 2 weeks for lots of new parts, and shocks (Rockshox Tora) sent off for a warranty claim.
Spent some time practicing technique in Sanxenxo. Lots of kids in bands of various ages out with their bikes practicing tricks around the steps and curbs of the town, some very good. Picked up some ideas and tips from watching them. Met a couple of bikers in the woods on days out, for chat and some riding together, but in general the woods are deserted.
Great holiday , nearly 500km in 15 trips over the month. Learnt lots about the bike and good to spend hours and hours covering technical climbs and descents, building up skills and fitness.
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